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Our team

We believe in human potential

We brought together the best in the market to assist you in an interpersonal, ethical, and transparent way. A multidisciplinary team composed of associates who are experts in their fields.

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Adriana Martins de Almeida

Coordenadora do Private

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Adriane Prado Paschoal

Sócia | Officer

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André Augusto Zuanella

Sócio | Renda Variável

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Beatriz Aguiar

Sócia | Operações Estruturadas

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Beni Hess Akstein

Sócio | Gestão de Recursos

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Bernardo Calazans

Analista Sênior de Gestão de Recursos

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Bruna Giacomeli

Analista de Operações Estruturadas

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Bruno Albuquerque

Sócio | Real Estate

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Bruno Malagoli

Sócio | Officer

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Bruno Viveros

Sócio | Diretor de Operações

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Camila Formica Ishikawa


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Carlos Kawall


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Carlos Pitta

Sócio | Head Wealth Management

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Daniela Sparvoli Caffaro

Sócia | Planejamento Patrimonial

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Dhaiany Pauline Marini


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Diogo Gonzalez


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Edigimar Antonio Maximiliano Junior

Sócio | Renda Variável

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Edson Ferreira Costa


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Eduardo Furtado


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Eduardo Minosso

Analista de Desenvolvimento II

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Eduardo Oliveira

Analista Sr.

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Fabiana Alves

Secretária Executiva

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Fábio Lellis

Sócio | Officer

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Felipe Monteiro

Sócio | OffShore

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Fernanda Arruda

Sócia | Officer

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Fernanda Cristina Ucha Caetano

Sócia | Operações Estruturadas

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Fernanda Dahruj Pavan

Analista de Operações Estruturadas

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Fernando Tadeu Bertolin Barbosa

Officer Analyst

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Guilherme Bolina

Sócio | M&A e Special Situation

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Gustavo Gon


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José Alex Lima da Fonseca

Sócio | Derivativos

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José Eduardo Carvalho

Estagiário Private Banking

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José Manoel Alvarez Lopez

Real Estate

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José Scheliga

Sócio | Executivo-chefe

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Julia Skaff

Analista de DCM

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Karine Akopian

Head de PR & Social Media

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Khalil Kaddissi

Sócio | Ativos Judiciais

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Laura Kusiaki de Souza Verardi


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Leonardo Martinez Okamoto

Sócio | Gestão de Recursos

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Luis Fernando F. Azevedo

Sócio | Gestão de Recursos

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Luiz Antonio Junqueira de Moraes Jardim

Estagiário de Investment Banking

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Manoela Grabowsky

Coordenadora do Private Banking

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Marcos Bredda de Marchi

Sócio | Economista-Chefe

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Marcos Junqueira Germano

Private Officer

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Maria Letícia Mendjoud

Sócia | Gestão de Recursos

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Mariana Torggler


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Matheus Lacerda

Analista de Operações II

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Moretzsohn Neto

Sócio | Derivativos

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Nicole Pinilla

Estagiária de Compliance

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Octavio Vaz

Agro Ambiental

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Paulo de Tarso Pecini Minari

Sócio | Alocação de Recursos

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Pedro Henrique Medeiros Costa

Analista Sênior de Gestão de Recursos

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Pedro Paolo Camano Mesquita Barros

Analista de Alocação de Recursos

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Priscila Bossolani Mora Borges

Private Coordinator

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Rafael Barbosa

Sócio | Officer

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Rafael Niemeyer Bergamo dos Santos

Officer Analyst

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Rafael Prudente

Sócio | Operações Estruturadas

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Rafael Trindade

Head de Marketing e Comunicação

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Raphael Noronha

Sócio | M&A e Special Situation

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Ricardo Niemeyer

Sócio | Officer

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Roberto Galinari

Agro Ambiental

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Rodrigo Guedes

Head de Controladoria

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Samanta Dias de Sousa

Analista Jurídico I

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Tatiana Gorentzvaig

Desenvolvimento Comercial

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Thaís Costa da Silva

Officer Analyst

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Thaís Pestana


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Thiago Andrade da Cruz

Coordenador de Middle Office

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Vanessa Turatti Hartmann

Private Officer

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Yasmin Moura Ferreira

Estagiária de Operações

Contact us

We value the history of our customers

Let´s build the future together? We are always here at your disposal.
